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Check out CEO Hack Buzz our premium weekly newsletter with resources and information to level up with the strategies that help you become more effective and efficient. Also, check out the links below for more resources to check out including I AM CEO Volume 3

Also, check out the 7 Hacks that you need to have in your business below:

7 CEO Hacks That You Shouldn't Live Without

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  1. Operational & Organizational tools – It's so important to stay organized, leading your company or organization it seems like there's 100s of things you have to keep up with. So leveraging tools like Basecamp, Asana or Trello. The tool that we use the most is Basecamp. We also used Asana but switched to Basecamp because of it's Clientside feature.
  2. Time tools – If you've spent any time sending back and forth emails. Tools like Acuity or Calendly allow you to sync with your calendar (e.g. GSuite or Office365) You create. Gresh uses Acuity and uses WordPress plugin Pretty Links to create a vanity URL (e.g.
  3. Recharging and “keeping your cup full” – It's so important in the hustle and bustle of running a business to make sure you are resting and recharging. Check out our I AM CEO Coloring book (studies have shown that adult coloring can reduce stress, increase motor skills, improve sleep, improve focus and help with relaxation) and don't forgot to use one of Gresh's favorite meditation apps–Insight Timer and 365 Gratitude Journal.
  4. Teamwork is so important to being able to level up. When you are able to build a team around you and get the “right butts in the right seats” (Book: Good to Great), this is when things reach another level. You are able to maximize your time and your impact by operating in your Zone of Genius (The Big Leap). Not just through delegation but delegating to the right people. Especially now, building a team can include partnerships and virtual team members you can find through tools like Upwork, TaskBullet or our favorite Fiverr Business. We have an eBook and you can check on out at Call Your VA. There's a growing number of one person, one million dollar businesses largely because of the ability to build a team and…
  5. …Digital tools – If this pandemic has reminded us of anything it's that it's so important to have a digital footprint. It's not a want to have, it's a need to have. This includes a website, digital marketing, but even communication tools. Our go to for digital tools is CEO Web Shop for domains but also check out Kinsta, Hostgator, WPEngine for great WordPress Hosting, Shopify for building an ecommerce store, SEMRush for optimizing your site and WPMUDEV for premium WordPress Plugins and of course Zoom for meetings and communication. There's so many more that we could name here like Canva (for graphics) but understand no matter the industry remember you are a digital business or at the very least should have a digital arm.
  6. Finances – If you've watched Shark Tank, it's been reminded over and over the importance of knowing your numbers. There are certainly books and information you can find online related to taxes, finances, and/or accounting, but one of the most important things is to make sure not to commingle your funds and using accounting and invoicing systems has been huge to keep track of billing, use for invoicing, booking and of course taxes. Check out Freshbooks and Quickbooks.
  7. Sharpening the Saw – There's so much information and knowledge that you can get today whether you “enroll” in “Google College” or “YouTube University.” Because of the intelligence of Google search (including voice search) and YouTube, there's literally information you can find about any topic (and if you can't find it maybe you should create it and maximize SEO). Also, don't forget to listen to podcast (like CEO Podcasts), listen (Audible on 2X Speed) and read books and check out events, courses, seminars, and more.

Want to know how to leverage and implement these tools?

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